Tips to Improve your Fitness and sharpen your Keeper Skills

Push Ups and Press downs.

Try doing 1 or 2 before bedtime and first thing in the morning if you are a beginner and soon you will be doing more. Why is this good?, you ask. Well, pro goalkeepers like Buffon or Pickford believe this routine benefited them developing as young keepers because of the strength conditioning it contributes over the time, good for confidence and ball grip performance.

Burpees (keepers must)

Add burpee jumps to your secret workouts. why? Well, do you want to gain muscle, improve cardiovascular endurance, burn calories and boost energy levels?, all under 10 mins every other day.  Let us know your experience in the testimony section

Sit UPs (Keepers must)

I am sure you have seen many keepers incorporate this great workout in their sessions. Improves athleticism, core strength, core stability, spinal flexibility, improves posture and prevents back pain. Sounds good!  Join us as we grow and succeed together. 10mins with interval rests and a ball every other day is a good plan for beginners.  Let us know your experience in the testimony section.

Grow Goalkeeping? What it means.

Growing naturally, for most part of our lives, happens unconsciously, i.e., One is not necessarily aware of their body growing or changes in their height, e.t.c  neither do we have any conscious control in that matter. There is another type of growing, one that requires conscious awareness of the growth process and time concepts involved and this is what we are going to refer to as talent growth. Before we drift in on this, lets first go back to memory lane and remember those teething moments we experienced as babies, the endless itching gums, the discomfort, the shame of using our dads or moms nose for relief and the tears shade in the process (By the way we are not aware of any of these challenges until we are told about it later in our lives). This was all forgotten after those teeth appeared and in the process a new world opened up for us to enjoy, a world where instead of just milk, we now can eat, drink and chew a lot more goodies, It was like freedom had come upon us, since we could enjoy anything we desired to eat or drink. 

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The Belief system of a Goalkeeper

What is a belief system and how does one develop it? In a nut shell, it is a structural set of principles (tenets) held to be true and guide the individual in how they behave or respond to life and its challenges. These principles encompass aspects of moral behaviour, purpose, intention, evidential and absolute realities. So, why does a goalkeeper need a belief system?, I hear you ask. Looking back to the Euros 2024, I remember the quarter-finals match between Portugal and Slovenia when the matched dragged on through to penalty shoot outs and both goalkeepers had to step up and produce a performance that would take either team through to the semi finals. Then, Diego Costa steps up and produces a 3 in a raw penalty save performance that catapults Portugal into the semi-finals, but when the same opportunity presented it self in the semi's  against France, Diego came short of the previous surge seeing Portugal out of the race.

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